Simply put, when using wire ropes, users must check them for damage. It is an essential part of business to have a well planned out program of inspecting ropes. Before inspections, make sure that you train a team member to become an experienced inspector. These are the only people that should be allowed and trusted to inspect wire ropes and rigging supplies.

Wire ropes that are in continuous service should be inspected daily during regular business. They should have a more in-depth inspection conducted once a week. A thorough and complete examination should be done once a month. Any rope that is left idle for over a month should have a detailed inspection of the whole rope before returning it to service.
After inspections, individuals need to take the time to carefully record the date of inspections and what was found. Keeping these detailed records allows users to recognize how hard their system is working and how to make improvements moving forward.
Riggers must have easy access to basic information about ropes and systems. For instance, riggers need the date of installation, the size of the rope, the construction type, the rope length, and the extent of service.
Safety is the most critical aspect of rigging because an accident does more than waste money and time. When problems occur with rigging supplies, lives are at risk, property is threatened, and a compy’s name could be in peril. Keep safe and inspect your ropes.
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