Three Essential Skills for Lifting and Rigging

When operating lifting and rigging supplies, the most important thing on a person’s mind should be safety. So much can happen when lifting and moving heavy loads, and unfortunately, most issues harm human life, break merchandise, or damage facilities. The best thing a person can do to protect themselves and others is to learn proper rigging and lifting techniques. Learning as much as you can, and implementing that knowledge into practice, is a necessary part of safe operations. Below, we will highlight the three most important skills needed for safe and successful rigging and lifting.

Always Prepare to Lift

You want to take some time before hooking an item for lifting. Approaching lifting this way ensures that there are no loose ends or issues with gear. Before you begin lifting operations, make sure you complete the below checklist:

· Inspect all hardware for any deformities (if any are spotted, even small issues, you should stop production until the piece is repaired or replaced)

· Check all protective gear for any defects and damage

· Make sure that ASME and OSHA standards are known and up to date

· Ensure that what you are lifting does not exceed the lifting rating of systems and support gear

Use Proper Rigging Techniques

Lifting a large load requires exact science and skills. There are several ways to load, so it is important to choose a method that best suits the exact needs and situations. The most common rigging techniques include:

· Block/Tackle

· Hardware Applications

· Rigging Supplies Safety

· Using Synthetic Slings

· Using Winches

· Wire Chain Slinging

Understand Load Control

Dropping an entire load is something you should always avoid. In most of these cases, the issue is caused by humans and is preventable. Controlling loads is not based on luck, and instead, it requires knowledge and finesse. You need to have a deep understanding of angles and how they impact the movement of a load.